Saturday, December 18, 2010
Mrs. Claus is keeping busy!

Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Season is Coming to a Close...

I'm also thrilled (ego check, here!) with the interest from certain people about my business. Articles have appeared on AOL, in the Pinnacle Newspaper (Hollister, Ca), on OCFamily.com, and I was interviewed for an article for Bay Area Parent that will run in February, and I'll be interviewed by CMAP, a local cable access channel for Gavilan College in Gilroy, California.
My blog may not be fancy, but at least it gives me a chance to talk about what I'm doing and what I love. If it brings in more business, that's an added bonus. If not, then that's okay, too!
I'm still available for calls from Mrs. Claus and visits, too! Jengelha@aol.com.
Mrs. Claus,
Santa Claus
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Interviewed by America On Line (AOL)

About a week ago I was contacted by business writer Gwen Parkes who was interested in doing an article about me and my business, Story Time Adventures. But her main interest was in my seasonal aspect, writing letters from Santa, making calls to children 'from' Mrs. Claus, and this year, appearing as Mrs. Claus at schools, parties, homes--anywhere.
http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2010/12/01/holiday-jobs-for-stay-at-home-moms/. It was quite exciting being interviewed by Gwen, but a little different, because as a professional freelance writer, I'm used to doing the interviewing. The great thing was, though, I began receiving email from AOL users who wanted me to write letters to their children. One woman is from Buffalo, NY!
On Saturday, December 4, I had the opportunity to visit two special places as Mrs. Claus. One was Chamberlain's Children's Center, which is a group home for kids, and the other was Emmaus House, a shelter for abused women. There were about 12 kids at the Children's Home, and they were certainly full of questions! They wanted to know where the sleigh was, one girl wanted to come back to the North Pole with me, another wanted to know if Santa had a mom and dad. Wow.. some tough questions. I need to bone up on answers! But it was fun. I read stories to the kids, then when we were finished, I went around the room and asked them what they wanted for Christmas.
At first they were rather shy, and only told me they wanted one thing. But as the room began to 'warm up,' and they heard the other kids' wishes, they began to pipe up and pepper me with more requests.
The shelter was a different story. Only one woman and her daughter were there, but it was a very delightful experience. The little girl was six, and she and her mom and I were escorted to a 'quiet room' where I was able to read to both of them and have a one-on-one audience with the little girl. She was shy, but not so much that she wouldn't talk with me. The mom seemed in good spirits, so I was glad that I could share some time with them. I read about five books and asked the little girl questions about what she wanted for Christmas. The kids at the Center all wanted electronics like iPods, lap top computers, and video game systems. This little girl said she wanted a doll house and some warm winter clothes.
I so wish I were in a position to help her and her mom this Christmas.
If there's anyone out there who reads this, and you'd like to donate something to the kids at the women's shelter, that would really be a blessing. I know that my story times aren't something tangible, but I hope it leaves the kids, and adults, with some type of happy memory! Merry Christmas!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Sometimes you never know where your thoughts will take you. On Tuesday I was interviewed by AOL writer Gwen Parkes regarding my seasonal business.. Santa Letters, Mrs. Claus Visits, and Mrs. Claus calls. She spoke to me on the phone for about an hour, which was great! I'm thrilled that people are taking an interest in what I do. It's tough trying to be an entrepreneur, but on the other hand, it's very exciting. At 48, I never thought I'd try something new--that what I'm doing is for younger people. But you can't give up--you have to try. I know that some day something is going to finally pop and it will be great!
But.. the reason Ms. Parkes got in touch with me is because I'd responded to an article she'd written on AOL, told her about my business, and she got in touch with me. This is amazing.
Thanks to all who have been supporters, backers, and friends throughout all of this. Some of my supporters are people who I've known for many years, and many of you are new friends, which I truly appreciate. There are even people I've never met in person, but who've been there for me via email. I am thankful for all of you.
But.. the reason Ms. Parkes got in touch with me is because I'd responded to an article she'd written on AOL, told her about my business, and she got in touch with me. This is amazing.
Thanks to all who have been supporters, backers, and friends throughout all of this. Some of my supporters are people who I've known for many years, and many of you are new friends, which I truly appreciate. There are even people I've never met in person, but who've been there for me via email. I am thankful for all of you.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Mrs. Claus Gearing Up for the Holidasy

There's still plenty of time to request your Santa Letters, Mrs. Claus phone calls, or even visits from Mrs. Claus. I will be appearing for a home school group in Hollister towards the end of December, but I will also be at Book Smart on December 18, reading to the children and having a great time! I hope you'll contact me soon! I can be reached at Jengelha@aol.com. I am also very excited because I'm going to be interviewed today, November 23, 2010, by writer Gwen Parkes for AOL about my business.. Story Time Adventures www.storytimeadventures.wetpaint.com, and for "Christmas Magic" my seasonal 'Claus' business.
I hope to hear from you! This is the best time of year.
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ah.. it's difficult to believe that Christmas is just a little over a month away! Are you ready for the big day? I wish I could say, "Yes, yes, I am!" I have some friends who have already purchased their gifts and wrapped them. They're the lucky ones, and the smart ones, too!
As for Mrs. Claus, requests for appearances are trickling in. The one I'm very excited about is appearing on December 18 at Book Smart book store in Morgan Hill, Ca., at 1 pm. I hope you will come see me that day as I read Christmas stories to my little friends!
This is to remind all of you that I'm available for personal vists in my neck of the woods, or I will send Santa letters anywhere in the USA, and make phone calls as Mrs. Claus. This will be so fun! Lots of holiday boutiques happening this time of year, too.
Merry Christmas!
If you want to contact me, call 831 635 9674. Can't wait to hear from you!
Morgan Hill,
Mrs. Claus,
Santa Claus
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Kids saying the darndest things...
But.. on Friday, November 5, I worked as a substitute teacher for Ladd Lane Elementary School in Hollister. I enjoy working there because the staff is so friendly and helpful, and they have a good group of kids. I've worked there, on and off, since the beginning of 2008, so I know the staff and students.
Anyhow.. a few weeks ago I'd been hired to read as Sadie the Scarecrow to the kids in grades Kindergarten through second. When I came into the class yesterday, I told the kids I was the Scarecrow Lady. They even had my photo up on their wall! But here's the funny part...
I took a quick break during their snack period to use the restroom. The other kindergarten teacher was in charge of them for a few minutes. Once the kids are done eating their snack, they line up to go to the playground, and the teachers (me, in this case) act as yard duty.
Well, while I was in the restroom another teacher I know who teaches third grade, came by and told the kids, who were being a bit noisy, that they needed to listen to their teacher. She assumed that their teacher was the other one watching the kids. But 'my' kids piped up and said, "She's not our teacher, our teacher is the Scarecrow!" LOL..
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Mrs. Claus in Hollister
Hello, my friends. Yes, it's me, Mrs. Claus! Again, I'm ready, ready, ready to visit your home this holiday season. I'm located in Hollister, CA, but I will travel to Gilroy, Morgan Hill, south San Jose, Monterey, Prunedale, Watsonville, Aromas.. you name it! I can't wait to visit all of my friends.
Christmas time is such a wonderful season. So many people concentrate on the presents, but the most important thing is to concentrate on the goodwill that we can spread. In fact, we need to spread that all year long. Try to instill in your children the act of kindness, and doing a good turn daily. That's what the young man in this picture has been learning in Cub Scouts.
Remember, if you'd like to book a visit to your home, school, or party, or would like a letter for your children from Santa, email my friend Julie at Jengelha@aol.com.
Mrs. Claus!
Mrs. Claus,
Santa Claus
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Mrs. Claus in Holliter, California 2010

Ah.. still gearing up for the holiday season. I've been contacting the good folks of Hollister, California, to let them know I'm available to visit their homes, schools, parties, businesses.. you name it. I even have a lead that may take me over to Los Banos! Now why in the world would someone who is an hour away bring me over there, but local folks won't budge a finger to call me!
I think I'll have a Mrs. Claus open house to let people see what I look like, and what I can do!
I miss Santa, but he's doing quite well.
Remember to contact me at 831 635 9674 for more details!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Mrs. Claus is in town!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Mrs. Claus is Comin' to Town!
Why.. my first visitor of the season.. and it isn't even Halloween yet. This sweet boy and his dog, Oscar, want to let you know that Mrs. Claus is in Hollister and is ready to meet with you this holiday season. They brought their stocking with them, hoping I'd fill it with some treats, but I told them they'd have to wait until December 25, like everyone else!
I just spoke with Santa a few minutes ago, and he said that he and the elves are already busy, busy, busy doing preparation for next month when the real toy making begins! Oh..I'll be flying back and forth as much as possible to make sure that Santa and the elves are OK, but I'm sure they will be just fine!
Remember, if you would like to have me visit you at your school or event, or even your home, email Mrs. Engelhardt at Jengelha@aol.com.
Mrs. Claus!
December 25,
Mrs. Claus,
Santa Claus
Mrs. Claus is Comin' to Town!
We all know that my dear husband, Santa Claus, is very, very busy this time of year. He loves visting children so he can hear about their Christmas wishes, but sometimes I just have to step in to help him!
For many years it has been my job to make sure that the fires in the workshop stayed lit, and that there was plenty of hot cocoa and cookies to go around, but I also wanted to get out and about to meet the children that Santa gets to see every year! So, this year I'm available to come to your school, your home, your party.. any place that needs a little festive fun!
My dear friend, Mrs. Engelhardt, has invited me to stay at her home in Hollister, California, so that I can be close to all of my friends. If you'd like me to visit you, then email Mrs. Engelhardt at Jengelha@aol.com. She will get in touch with you and we can set up a visit! Oh.. I can't wait to meet all of you!! It will be so much fun seeing what you've been up to. I know all of you have been good little boys and girls, which is something I will certainly pass along to Santa Claus.
Please tell your mommies and daddies and grandmas and grandpas and aunts and uncles and friends about my visits.
Please stay posted to my blog so that I can update you on what is happening at the North Pole. It's hard to believe, but Christmas is only 2 months away. Goodness! As Santa would say, "Ho, ho, ho!" :-)
Mrs. Claus
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Once Upon a Christmas
Hi again!
My newest creation for this winter is the program "Once Upon a Christmas with Mrs. Claus." Now that I have a brand new Mrs. Claus outfit, I'm ready to share it, and my story telling, with the central coast.
Parents, school groups, assembly coordinators, Scout groups--anyone--are welcome to contact me to have me read and interact with their children. I'm so excited about this holiday season. There are so many opportunities available. Santa definitely gets the spotlight, but Mrs. Claus needs a chance to escape the cold of the North Pole and head south for the winter, too!
But seriously, I am spreading my wings and heading to different locales to do my reading.
This weekend I'm appearing at Uesugi Farms Pumpkin Park as 'Sadie the Scarecrow.' I spent two hours there on October 16, and it was great fun. I felt like a minor celebrity after having so many pictures taken with the little folks. The one thing that kind of surprised me is when a family asked me to take a picture of them!
In the works is a holiday tea, possibly, at San Juan Oaks Country Club in Hollister, Ca, with Mrs. Claus. I have a meeting with the banquet coordinator on Monday to discuss this possibility. It would be so much fun if we can do this. Hollister is crying out for more family-oriented events, and it's my goal to try to bring this to the community!
In closing.. Mrs. Claus will come to your home to surprise your children, but I also make calls from Mrs. Claus ($5) and letters from Santa again, $10 per child. I send these to North Pole, AK, for a special post mark.
If you want more information, email me at Jengelha@aol.com.
Thank you!
My newest creation for this winter is the program "Once Upon a Christmas with Mrs. Claus." Now that I have a brand new Mrs. Claus outfit, I'm ready to share it, and my story telling, with the central coast.
Parents, school groups, assembly coordinators, Scout groups--anyone--are welcome to contact me to have me read and interact with their children. I'm so excited about this holiday season. There are so many opportunities available. Santa definitely gets the spotlight, but Mrs. Claus needs a chance to escape the cold of the North Pole and head south for the winter, too!
But seriously, I am spreading my wings and heading to different locales to do my reading.
This weekend I'm appearing at Uesugi Farms Pumpkin Park as 'Sadie the Scarecrow.' I spent two hours there on October 16, and it was great fun. I felt like a minor celebrity after having so many pictures taken with the little folks. The one thing that kind of surprised me is when a family asked me to take a picture of them!
In the works is a holiday tea, possibly, at San Juan Oaks Country Club in Hollister, Ca, with Mrs. Claus. I have a meeting with the banquet coordinator on Monday to discuss this possibility. It would be so much fun if we can do this. Hollister is crying out for more family-oriented events, and it's my goal to try to bring this to the community!
In closing.. Mrs. Claus will come to your home to surprise your children, but I also make calls from Mrs. Claus ($5) and letters from Santa again, $10 per child. I send these to North Pole, AK, for a special post mark.
If you want more information, email me at Jengelha@aol.com.
Thank you!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Story Time Adventures Continues
I am ashamed to say it's been too long since I've posted! I need to rectify that asap.
I did my first paid assembly yesterday at Ladd Lane Elementary School in Hollister, California. I did three different programs, one for Kindergarten, one for 1st grade, and one for 2nd grade. It was interesting, because I learned that I need to find books that are a bit more advanced for the 2nd graders. As I was reading what I have, which are all adorable books, I started to lose my 2nd grade audience. Back to the drawing board, as they say.
I had a great time interacting with the children, and I'm looking forward to doing more story time presentations.
This weekend, October 16 and 17, and next weekend, October 23 and 24, I will be appearing as Sadie the Scarecrow at Uesgui Farms Pumpkin Patch in Morgan Hill, CA. Sadie appeared at the San Benito County Fair a couple of weeks ago, and it was a great experience.
I finally received my Mrs. Claus outfit (so cute!) so I'm gearing up to have her do story time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse, and at local schools and events. If you, or somone you know, is interested in hiring Mrs. Claus, call me at 831 245 8462!
I did my first paid assembly yesterday at Ladd Lane Elementary School in Hollister, California. I did three different programs, one for Kindergarten, one for 1st grade, and one for 2nd grade. It was interesting, because I learned that I need to find books that are a bit more advanced for the 2nd graders. As I was reading what I have, which are all adorable books, I started to lose my 2nd grade audience. Back to the drawing board, as they say.
I had a great time interacting with the children, and I'm looking forward to doing more story time presentations.
This weekend, October 16 and 17, and next weekend, October 23 and 24, I will be appearing as Sadie the Scarecrow at Uesgui Farms Pumpkin Patch in Morgan Hill, CA. Sadie appeared at the San Benito County Fair a couple of weeks ago, and it was a great experience.
I finally received my Mrs. Claus outfit (so cute!) so I'm gearing up to have her do story time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse, and at local schools and events. If you, or somone you know, is interested in hiring Mrs. Claus, call me at 831 245 8462!
Mars Hill Coffeehouse,
Morgan Hill,
Mrs. Claus,
Santa Claus,
Saturday, October 2, 2010
More Story Time Adventures
Ahhh.. October. I love this time of year because there are so many exciting things happening. My Story Time Adventures is doing quite well. Here I am as 'Sadie the Scarecrow' which is so much fun. I did a stint at the San Benito County Fair on October 1, and I'm back today, October 2, for three hours, from noon til 3. It was great fun yesterday interacting with the young children who were visiting with their schools. I may break out my spoons today and start playing a few songs for the kids.
This month I'm also appearing at Ladd Lane Elementary School for story time, Rutgers Elementary in Gilroy, and at Uesugi Farms Pumpkin Patch in Morgan Hill.
I'm especially excited because I'm working on a Mrs. Claus program for the Holiday Season, trying to put together a Mrs. Claus Tea & Story Time at San Juan Oaks Country Club and Golf Course. I hope you'll all come!
Thanks to all who have supported me during this adventure. I'd like to see more moms from Hollister and surrounding cities come visit me. I even had a mom from Salinas show up for the last story time, our Pajama-rama Party!
If you have any questions, would like to book me for a party or assembly, call 831 635 9674.
Happy Reading!
Julie Engelhardt
Julie Engelhardt
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Onward towards more 'Adventures'
I am still on a 'high' from Story Time on August 4. As mentioned, it was Let's Go! And we incorporated a transportation theme.
Finding themes that will click with children can often be the challenge. They have so much in their lives grabbing for their attention. Thankfully, I work in the schools as a substitute teacher, so I am aware of what kids tend to like.
I came up with the transportation theme because of something that happened one day in a Kindergarten class.
The children were given free time/free choice and could play with blocks and other toys, but one of the most popular items was a bag filled with toy cars. The little boys were beside themselves trying to get the 'best' car. I suppose that day stuck with me and made me realize how much kids love trucks, cars, trains, etc.
We had a good turn out. I was concerned because I'd switched the time from 11 am to 1:30 pm. As the hour drew near, the coffeehouse looked a bit bare, but thank goodness for a local day care facility, because they arrived just in time! I wasn't able to do a count. My 'wingman' Scott Kindred, who has been SO beneficial in helping me with story time, was away visiting his mom in Oregon, so no one was there to do the count. But Tom (whose last name I do not know) did a fantastic job as my sound man, and Raquel, who works at Mars Hill Coffeehouse, also did a great job helping me out. Another young woman, Kitra, was helpful, too!
But, on to my next 'Adventure.' A small town not too far from where I live is having a celebration day. The town is Aromas and the unique thing about this city is that it's actually in three different counties: San Benito, Monterey, and Santa Cruz. But.. they're bringing me in to read stories and such. I'm hoping it will lead to some paying jobs.
If you want to get in touch with me directly, please email me at Jengelha@aol.com.
Thank you!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Story Time Today, August 4, 2010

The day is finally here! Let's GO! Cars, Planes, Trucks and Trains. I'm very excited about this story time. I know it will be a lot of fun, and I hope the children enjoy the model trains that will be there.
Mars Hill Coffeehouse, 610 San Benito Street, Hollister, 1:30. Get there early to get a good seat.
I have my street signs donated by Drive Rite School, and my husband brought home orange caution cones to use as decor. Hope to see you there!
Next stop--August 29 in the city of Aromas. I've never been there, but they have an annual Aromas Day Celebration. I'll be there in my new scarecrow costume designed by friend Dee Montalbo. It's so adorable. I can't wait to wear it! Aromas Day goes from nine until four. Rides, games, and all types of great fun happening. Come see me for Story Time Adventures. The stories and songs will all have a farm theme to them!
Thank you for your great support!
Julie Engelhardt
Mars Hill Coffeehouse, 610 San Benito Street, Hollister, 1:30. Get there early to get a good seat.
I have my street signs donated by Drive Rite School, and my husband brought home orange caution cones to use as decor. Hope to see you there!
Next stop--August 29 in the city of Aromas. I've never been there, but they have an annual Aromas Day Celebration. I'll be there in my new scarecrow costume designed by friend Dee Montalbo. It's so adorable. I can't wait to wear it! Aromas Day goes from nine until four. Rides, games, and all types of great fun happening. Come see me for Story Time Adventures. The stories and songs will all have a farm theme to them!
Thank you for your great support!
Julie Engelhardt
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A mom's dream come true
A quick entry before I sign off...
This has always been a dream of mine.. to run my own business, but to also make a difference. Story Time Adventures by Julie Engelhardt is something I've been working towards for many, many years. Now it's happening. Moms.. if you have a dream, a desire, a goal towards putting together your own business.. it will happen! Thank you again to those who have put their faith into me and their support. You rock!
Julie Engelhardt
This has always been a dream of mine.. to run my own business, but to also make a difference. Story Time Adventures by Julie Engelhardt is something I've been working towards for many, many years. Now it's happening. Moms.. if you have a dream, a desire, a goal towards putting together your own business.. it will happen! Thank you again to those who have put their faith into me and their support. You rock!
Julie Engelhardt
Julie Engelhardt,
Story time preparation
Preparing for Story Time Adventures is somewhat like putting a puzzle together. You want to find the right kind of books and pair them with appropriate songs and fingerplays.
This week's story time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse in Hollister, CA, is about Transportation. I came up with this idea primarily because I have sons, and when they were younger, they liked playing with toy cars and other vehicles. Funny thing, my younger son, who's 8, acted as if he'd sworn off playing with cars until I started to prepare for this story time, and he suddenly became quite interested in the toy cars I am giving out to the attendees.
This week's story time is Let's GO! Cars, planes, trucks and trains. I figure that I have to catch someone's attention with that. Both of my boys had train sets when they were younger, and so many moms have already told me that their children have the wooden train sets at home. I also have a local model train enthusiast, Bob Peck, who's bringing in model trains.
Bob's been great. After doing a bunch of calling and digging and looking for someone who'd be willing to work with me and bring in a train set, I 'found' Bob. We met up at Mars Hill one day to discuss our options, and he couldn't have been any nicer. When I called one day to check up, I apologized for all of the pre-production, but he said he was having a great time getting his trains together. Thank you, Bob!
So many people have been great about helping me with the program. I am extremely grateful to those who have extended a helping hand.
I hope to see everyone at Mars Hill Coffeehouse, 610 San Benito Street, Hollister, at 1:30 pm. Get there early so you can grab some refreshments and get a good seat. All Aboard!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Fall Story Time Adventures
And.. why is it you aren't attending story time at Mars Hill? Putting the word out again today that you will have a great time if you join us!!
This next one will be August 4 at 1:30 at Mars Hill, 610 San Benito Street.
But thinking towards more this fall. Planning a PJ story time for September, and most definitely two for October. One will be for the Renaissance Faire time--Story Faire--where you can dress up like your favorite knight, princess, nobleman, or dragon! Countess Julie will be on hand to share her favorite fairytale stories. Huzzah! Three cheers!
But, I love Halloween, and we will do it up right at Mars Hill. I've already put in an order for my costume.. an absolutely adorable scarecrow costume made by friend Dee. Dee did her own last year and it was more than adorable! Thank goodness I have friends who are so darn creative!
Thinking of holding this one on Oct. 30 which will be a Saturday. Need to find some groovy Halloween music so the kids can rock out, then we'll pull out our not-too-scary books and listen to some great Halloween tales.
Again, a big THANK YOU

Looking for some high-flying adventure? Then visit me, Julie Engelhardt, on August 4, 1:30 at Mars Hill Coffeehouse for our next summer story time. It will be great fun.
Parents.. bring your children. It's free, it's fun, and they'll be learning something (even though the don't know they are!)
Email me if you'd like me to come to your school or event to present my story time adventures!
Happy Reading!
Julie Engelhardt
August 4 Story Time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse
Hello, reading fans.
I just love this photo because it was taken at the first Story Time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse in Hollister. These are two young fans who came dressed up for our Buccaneer Bay-Pirates theme on July 14.
The next story time is Let's GO! Cars, Planes, Trucks and Trains. We'll be talking about everything that moves, floats, flies--you name it. There will also be some great giveaways.. like toy Hot Wheel cars and some passes to Casa de Fruta for their cool mini train ride. Go to http://www.casadefruta.com/ to learn more about this great spot in Hollister, and to find out about Casa de Choo-Choo.
I'm also pleased because we will have Hollister resident Bob Peck on hand sharing his model trains, and Drive Rite Driving School is lending some street signs for us to use as props.
A wonderful woman, Renea Magnani, a consultant with Usborne Books & More has donated two very sweet books, "That's Not My Car," and "That's Not My Tractor." If you want to check out these books, or order from her, her URL is www.ubah.com/x1994.
But remember.. the reading is the best part! We will be there August 4 at 1:30, but get there early, or stay late, to take a look at the model trains and talk with Bob about becoming a model train enthusiast!
Part of my plan is to continue doing story time programs throughout the year, but most likely on the weekend.
If you have questions, or would like to have me perform at your event or venue, please send me an email to Jengelha@aol.com.
Happy Reading!
Julie Engelhardt
Julie Engelhardt
PS.. a very nice article appeared in our local paper, the Free Lance, which I just have to share. Thank you, Melissa Flores: http://www.pinnaclenews.com/news/contentview.asp?c=272585
Mars Hill,
model trains,
story time,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Why are these animals just sitting around?
Because they were waiting for Story Time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse in Hollister.
The second story time was WILD for Animals!
We had 72 children there--not sure how many adults, but it was fantastic.
I read books such as If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Harry the Dirty Dog, and Piggy's Belly Button. They were all very well received by the children.
Reading to the children has been a great joy.
I have two people in my life who have been inspirational
One is John Zickefoose who works at the
Corona Public Library.
John grew up functionally illiterate, and did not learn how to read until he was 35. I met John while he was doing story time presentations, and his love for reading inspired me to do the same.
Another friend is Peter Small who is
terrific historic presenter. Peter dresses up as Washington, Jefferson, Truman--even Edison, and takes his program to schools, libraries, senior homes.. so many places. Peter has even been to Hollister twice to do his programs.
My hope is to make this a full-time career eventually.
As for now, this is all on a volunteer basis, but I know that it will grow and that I will be able to do this regularly.
There are so many options when it comes to creating a story time. First it was pirates, then animals, next transportation. The possibilities are limitless.
I'm also doing this to show women who have stayed at home
for any length of time that it is possible to get out there
and start a new career.
The world is your oyster, ladies!
Thank you!
Email me if you have any questions or thoughts:
More on Story Time Adventures
All Aboard!! 

On Wednesday, August 4, I will hold the last Story Time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse at 1:30 PM. I'm very excited about this story time, which is titled, "Let's GO! Cars, Planes, Trucks and Trains." It's all about different types of transportation.
I came up with this idea because I know how much little children like to play with toy vehicles, so I thought I'd try to bring them to life.
Two of the books I'll be reading are 'Fast Food,' by Saxton Freymann and Joost Eiffers, and 'Freight Train,' by Donald Crews.
I'm very excited because I've been able to partner with local businesses and individuals.
Casa de Fruta in Hollister has graciously provided me with passes for their train ride to use as prizes, and Tiffany Ford in Hollister, celebrating 100 years, provided me with more than 65 Hot Wheels cars to give out. Drive Rite School in Hollister is lending some of their large street signs to use as props, and local model train enthusiast, Bob Peck, is bringing in model trains to share.
Mars Hill Coffeehouse is located at 610 San Benito Street at the cross of 6th Street, on the west side of San Benito. You can't miss it. There are lavender awnings over the windows. If you are a fan of the "Friends" series, Mars Hill reminds me a bit of the Central Perk local, but unfortunately, you won't find Chandler, Monica, Joey, Ross, Phoebe and Rachel--or Gunther, hanging out. I guess they have better things to do.... :-)
Hope to see you on August 4th!
Julie Engelhardt
Story time presenter..
Julie Engelhardt,
Mars Hill,
Mars Hill Coffeehouse,
model trails,
story time,
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Story Time Adventures takes off!
A new beginning. Story Time Adventures located in Hollister, but I'm willing to travel anywhere to bring the fun and adventure of books to children. I've had a successful run at Mars Hill Coffeehouse in Hollister. First story time was Buccaneer Bay-Pirates. 72 people came to see me!
The second one was WILD for Animals, and we also had a great turn out. Say hello to our friend, the pig! We had lots of crazy creatures there to entertain.
Story Time Adventures runs for 30, 45 or 60 minutes, depending upon your needs. Please contact me at Jengelha@aol.com for pricing information. More to come.
church groups,
Julie Engelhardt,
story time
Story Time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse
This has been a good week.
I did my second story time at Mars Hill on July 28. We had about 72 children there. Brough in stuffed animals from a local chidren's store called Dolce Baby, and the San Benito Stage Company brought in actors dressed as animals! Yay!
Did a newspaper interview and a radio interview this week to help get us some press.
Next one is August 4 at 1:30 and it's all about transportation. All aboard!
Thank you for your contiuning support!
I did my second story time at Mars Hill on July 28. We had about 72 children there. Brough in stuffed animals from a local chidren's store called Dolce Baby, and the San Benito Stage Company brought in actors dressed as animals! Yay!
Did a newspaper interview and a radio interview this week to help get us some press.
Next one is August 4 at 1:30 and it's all about transportation. All aboard!
Thank you for your contiuning support!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Second Story Time a Success!
Thanks to all who showed up for the second story time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse in Hollister. This theme was WILD for Animals! I was so fortunate to have community partners. Dolce Baby clothing and gift store was great by lending me there huge stuffed animals to use as decoratoins. Thank you! You can find them on Face Book: http://http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Hollister/Dolce-Baby/119472451411517?ref=ts&__a=35&ajaxpipe=1.
I am also greatful to San Benito Stage Company for having their actors come over dressed in animal costumes, and to Mansmith's BBQ for lending me their 'pig'.. their actress dressed in a pig costume. It really made the day a lot of fun.
Next story time will be August 4 at 1:30 and its theme is Let's GO! Cars, Planes, Trucks and Trains! Model railroad people will be there.
Please join us at 1:30.
I am also greatful to San Benito Stage Company for having their actors come over dressed in animal costumes, and to Mansmith's BBQ for lending me their 'pig'.. their actress dressed in a pig costume. It really made the day a lot of fun.
Next story time will be August 4 at 1:30 and its theme is Let's GO! Cars, Planes, Trucks and Trains! Model railroad people will be there.
Please join us at 1:30.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Next Story Time July 28 Mars Hill Coffeehouse
I am quite pleased that my first story time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse in Hollister, Ca., was a great success. 72 people showed up-62 were kids! I guess the pirate theme might have drawn them in. My next one is "WILD for Animals" on July 28 at 11 am. I'm excited about this one because I've come across volunteers who are willing to dress up in animal costumes. I have the 'Mansmith Pig' there. If you live in Hollister, on Fridays you will see 'the pig' on the corner of Tres Pinos and Airline Hwy., waving her sign trying to entice people to eat at their BBQ place. Another woman said her daughter would dress in her bald eagle costume, and I may have volunteers from a local theater company dress up, too. Bring your cameras, parents! This should be lots of fun!
The next story time is on August 4, 1:30 pm. I started to panic because this is the same day as Kids at the Park in Hollister, but I'm going to try to use it as a definite marketing tool and pass out flyers that morning to parents. I've been doing my best to do grass-roots marketing to get the word out about story time. It was in our local paper this past week, the Pinnacle, so I'm hoping people will remember and make it out.
I've enjoyed doing the story time planning because it allows me to be as creative as I'd like to be. I'm so used to following others' way of doing things. I keep thinking, "Oh no, I can't do this or that because it might not be right..." but then I have to give myself a little kick and think, "But, I'm the 'boss' so I can do what I please..." It's rather refreshing.
For example, the first story time was about pirates, so I dressed as a pirate, but lots of kids did, too! For the Animal story time, I've asked kids to dress up, but to also bring a stuffed animal. I'm also working with a local children's shop and they're lending me a stuffed giraffe, stuffed elephant, and stuffed dalmatian. These are larger animals. I'm also bringing in a bunch of stuffed animals owned by my younger son. What also excites me about this story time is that I'm incorporating some things that are different. For example, I'm going to teach the kids how to sign animal names. That's a pretty easy lesson. I'll do the sign then have them guess what it is. That will be incorporated throughout the session. I'm also doing a trivia contest.. asking them questions about 'famous dogs.' It's about cartoon dogs, but let's see who can remember the name of the Grinch's dog, or possibly the name of the two parent dogs in "101 Dalmations."
For the 4th of August, it's all about transportation. I've been working with a man who is a model railroad enthusiast, and he's supposed to bring out model trains. I hope it works.
Hope to see you there.
Mars Hill Coffeehouse in Hollister is located at 610 San Benito Street. Get there early for a good seat!
I am quite pleased that my first story time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse in Hollister, Ca., was a great success. 72 people showed up-62 were kids! I guess the pirate theme might have drawn them in. My next one is "WILD for Animals" on July 28 at 11 am. I'm excited about this one because I've come across volunteers who are willing to dress up in animal costumes. I have the 'Mansmith Pig' there. If you live in Hollister, on Fridays you will see 'the pig' on the corner of Tres Pinos and Airline Hwy., waving her sign trying to entice people to eat at their BBQ place. Another woman said her daughter would dress in her bald eagle costume, and I may have volunteers from a local theater company dress up, too. Bring your cameras, parents! This should be lots of fun!
The next story time is on August 4, 1:30 pm. I started to panic because this is the same day as Kids at the Park in Hollister, but I'm going to try to use it as a definite marketing tool and pass out flyers that morning to parents. I've been doing my best to do grass-roots marketing to get the word out about story time. It was in our local paper this past week, the Pinnacle, so I'm hoping people will remember and make it out.
I've enjoyed doing the story time planning because it allows me to be as creative as I'd like to be. I'm so used to following others' way of doing things. I keep thinking, "Oh no, I can't do this or that because it might not be right..." but then I have to give myself a little kick and think, "But, I'm the 'boss' so I can do what I please..." It's rather refreshing.
For example, the first story time was about pirates, so I dressed as a pirate, but lots of kids did, too! For the Animal story time, I've asked kids to dress up, but to also bring a stuffed animal. I'm also working with a local children's shop and they're lending me a stuffed giraffe, stuffed elephant, and stuffed dalmatian. These are larger animals. I'm also bringing in a bunch of stuffed animals owned by my younger son. What also excites me about this story time is that I'm incorporating some things that are different. For example, I'm going to teach the kids how to sign animal names. That's a pretty easy lesson. I'll do the sign then have them guess what it is. That will be incorporated throughout the session. I'm also doing a trivia contest.. asking them questions about 'famous dogs.' It's about cartoon dogs, but let's see who can remember the name of the Grinch's dog, or possibly the name of the two parent dogs in "101 Dalmations."
For the 4th of August, it's all about transportation. I've been working with a man who is a model railroad enthusiast, and he's supposed to bring out model trains. I hope it works.
Hope to see you there.
Mars Hill Coffeehouse in Hollister is located at 610 San Benito Street. Get there early for a good seat!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Story time success!
It's been awhile since I've posted, but my first story time was a great success! It was Buccaneer Bay-Pirates held at Mars Hill Coffeehouse on July 14. 72 people were there--62 of them were children!
My next story time will be on Wednesday, July 28, at 11 am at the same location. The theme next time is WILD for Animals! I'm hoping children will either dress up as their favorite animal, or they will bring a stuffed animal to share.
I hope you'll join us next time. We had so much fun!
Mars Hill is located in Hollister, CA, at 610 San Benito Street at the cross of 6th. This is FREE!
Take care!
My next story time will be on Wednesday, July 28, at 11 am at the same location. The theme next time is WILD for Animals! I'm hoping children will either dress up as their favorite animal, or they will bring a stuffed animal to share.
I hope you'll join us next time. We had so much fun!
Mars Hill is located in Hollister, CA, at 610 San Benito Street at the cross of 6th. This is FREE!
Take care!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Buccaneer Bay Story time
Getting very excited about the story time on July 14. I know no one's reading this blog (why not?) but it should be fun.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Free Story Time in Hollister, California
Well, it's only a week until I do my first story time here in Hollister, Ca. It will be held at Mars Hill Cofeehouse located at 610 San Benito Street. I certainly hope we have a good turn out that morning--11 am to noon. This will be a pirate theme, so I've been purchasing pirate books and thinking up things to do that are related to pirates.
I'm doing this on a volunteer basis. My inspiration comes from an 'old' friend, John Zickefoose, who I met about, wow, 13 years ago in Corona, California. John is such a great presenter, but I found out that he did not learn how to read until he was 35. Can you imagine that? He said he even graduated from high school, but he wasn't able to read the words on his diploma. He learned how to read after suffering a back injury which prevented him from continuing the type of work he was doing. It's amazing how life works.
But, John's message to kids and adults was to keep reading, reading, reading. I really want to pass that message along to the people here in Hollister. I'm a volunteer, I'm not making any money from this. I also want to give something to the community--to the people who are looking for things they can do with their children, for free!
My hope is to continue doing this for the rest of the summer, and possibly during the holidays. My next thought is to do a Hawaiian Beach Party reading event. Or, take a holiday from video games.. something along those lines. I'm looking for hula dancers who will perform for free.
Thanks for reading my blog! Hope to see you at Mars Hill Coffeehouse in Hollister on July 14, 11 am, 610 San Benito Street.
I'm doing this on a volunteer basis. My inspiration comes from an 'old' friend, John Zickefoose, who I met about, wow, 13 years ago in Corona, California. John is such a great presenter, but I found out that he did not learn how to read until he was 35. Can you imagine that? He said he even graduated from high school, but he wasn't able to read the words on his diploma. He learned how to read after suffering a back injury which prevented him from continuing the type of work he was doing. It's amazing how life works.
But, John's message to kids and adults was to keep reading, reading, reading. I really want to pass that message along to the people here in Hollister. I'm a volunteer, I'm not making any money from this. I also want to give something to the community--to the people who are looking for things they can do with their children, for free!
My hope is to continue doing this for the rest of the summer, and possibly during the holidays. My next thought is to do a Hawaiian Beach Party reading event. Or, take a holiday from video games.. something along those lines. I'm looking for hula dancers who will perform for free.
Thanks for reading my blog! Hope to see you at Mars Hill Coffeehouse in Hollister on July 14, 11 am, 610 San Benito Street.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Looking for family magazine jobs
Who knows if anyone will see this, but I figure if I put something 'out there,' then someone might respond to it.
For the past 20 years I've been writing for a bunch of different magazines, but it seems as if I always come back to writing for famliy magazines. I'd really like to write full time for Family Fun Magazine (Disney), but the majority of my work has been for local or regional family magazines. I don't have a web site, as of yet, but should do that some day. I love writing about family issues, travel, child care, etc. I have a ton of clips that I can share. I just need someone to hire me!
For the past 20 years I've been writing for a bunch of different magazines, but it seems as if I always come back to writing for famliy magazines. I'd really like to write full time for Family Fun Magazine (Disney), but the majority of my work has been for local or regional family magazines. I don't have a web site, as of yet, but should do that some day. I love writing about family issues, travel, child care, etc. I have a ton of clips that I can share. I just need someone to hire me!
Monday morning.
I began to title this as 'Sunday Morning,' because it feels like Sunday. Husband has the day off from work due to the 4th of July holiday. Younger son's sleeping, older son just took off to take care of a friend's cats while they're on vacation. And me, I'm up early as usual.
Still thinking about the story time on the 14th. Feeling a bit apprehensive about it, but I just have to do it. I sat in my son's bedroom yesterday to practice. I need at least 45 minutes worth of material, but I only ran about 20 minutes. Of course, I don't have all of my books, and I need to find more songs and finger plays and skits and such. I want this to be a fun, playful time, but I don't want to come off as being too goofy.
I hope we have a good turn out. Hope to see you there. Mars Hill Coffeehouse, 610 San Benito Street in Hollister.
Still thinking about the story time on the 14th. Feeling a bit apprehensive about it, but I just have to do it. I sat in my son's bedroom yesterday to practice. I need at least 45 minutes worth of material, but I only ran about 20 minutes. Of course, I don't have all of my books, and I need to find more songs and finger plays and skits and such. I want this to be a fun, playful time, but I don't want to come off as being too goofy.
I hope we have a good turn out. Hope to see you there. Mars Hill Coffeehouse, 610 San Benito Street in Hollister.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Character Letters
What I'd like to do the most is continue on with my character letters. Did a great job two years straight writing Santa letters, and last year I did calls from Mrs. Claus. People just love them.. I do, too!
Julie Engelhardt--story time
Ah.. it's been quite some time since I've posted to my blog. Things have been a bit slow regarding writing, but I'm not giving up! I have a new project in the works.
I've always been intrigued by reading to children, it's something I love to do. So, on Wednesday, July 14, from 11 am to noon, I'm going to be offering a free story time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hollister-CA/Mars-Hill-Coffeehouse/79929789196 in Hollister, CA. It's going to be a pirate theme.. Buccaneer Bay. I've found some really cute books that I'm going to read, such as "That's Not My Pirate," by Fiona Watts, http://www.amazon.com/Thats-Pirate-Usborne-Touchy-Feely/dp/0794517021/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1278280502&sr=8-1, and "Bubble Bath Pirates," by Jarrett J. Krosoczka http://www.amazon.com/Bubble-Bath-Pirates-Jarrett-Krosoczka/dp/0670035998/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1278280540&sr=8-1, and others. This is absolutely free for everyone.
My intent is two-fold. First, I really want to offer something to the families in Hollister. It's a lovely little town, but it is so devoid of anything that is family friendly. Sure, we have our regular fast food restaurants with their play structures, but that tends to get tiresome, especially when your kids get too old to climb through the structures, and when the smell of burgers and french fries get to be too much. We had two great places in town: Jump-2-It and The Players Edge, but they closed down, so we really have nothing for the kids to do. There are seasonal sports, but the summer tends to drag on. Plus, some of these activities are pricey! So, that's why this is free.
Second, I want to share my love for books, especially children's books. I came up with this idea a few weeks ago, and I was really quite surprised that Mars Hill gave me the green light. I even have sponsors for this.. Hollister Center for Cosmetic Dentistry--Dr. Mark Darnell; http://www.cartoonthunder.com/; and http://www.safehouseweb.com/. Yay! Their sponsorships are helping me to aquire items I can give to the kids, like coloring sheets and other goodies.
I am also planning on dressing, as best as possible, as a pirate for the day, and telling pirate jokes and songs. For example, how much does it cost a pirate to buy earrings? Answer: 'A buccaneer!" Get it.. a buck an ear! And what is a pirate's favorite kind of food? Barrr-b-que! Okay.. goofy at best, but I'm hoping the kids will enjoy it.
I'd also like to take this and expand, and hopefully perform at elementary schools and other venues in central coastal California.
So, swing by and see us at Mars Hill Coffeehouse on Wednesday, July 14, at 11 am. It starts then! No stragglers, or ye'll be walkin' the plank, matey! Arghhhh. The coffee house is at 610 San Benito Street. For info call 831 245 8462.
Please feel free to post this and pass this along. Pirates, pirates, pirates!
I've always been intrigued by reading to children, it's something I love to do. So, on Wednesday, July 14, from 11 am to noon, I'm going to be offering a free story time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hollister-CA/Mars-Hill-Coffeehouse/79929789196 in Hollister, CA. It's going to be a pirate theme.. Buccaneer Bay. I've found some really cute books that I'm going to read, such as "That's Not My Pirate," by Fiona Watts, http://www.amazon.com/Thats-Pirate-Usborne-Touchy-Feely/dp/0794517021/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1278280502&sr=8-1, and "Bubble Bath Pirates," by Jarrett J. Krosoczka http://www.amazon.com/Bubble-Bath-Pirates-Jarrett-Krosoczka/dp/0670035998/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1278280540&sr=8-1, and others. This is absolutely free for everyone.
My intent is two-fold. First, I really want to offer something to the families in Hollister. It's a lovely little town, but it is so devoid of anything that is family friendly. Sure, we have our regular fast food restaurants with their play structures, but that tends to get tiresome, especially when your kids get too old to climb through the structures, and when the smell of burgers and french fries get to be too much. We had two great places in town: Jump-2-It and The Players Edge, but they closed down, so we really have nothing for the kids to do. There are seasonal sports, but the summer tends to drag on. Plus, some of these activities are pricey! So, that's why this is free.
Second, I want to share my love for books, especially children's books. I came up with this idea a few weeks ago, and I was really quite surprised that Mars Hill gave me the green light. I even have sponsors for this.. Hollister Center for Cosmetic Dentistry--Dr. Mark Darnell; http://www.cartoonthunder.com/; and http://www.safehouseweb.com/. Yay! Their sponsorships are helping me to aquire items I can give to the kids, like coloring sheets and other goodies.
I am also planning on dressing, as best as possible, as a pirate for the day, and telling pirate jokes and songs. For example, how much does it cost a pirate to buy earrings? Answer: 'A buccaneer!" Get it.. a buck an ear! And what is a pirate's favorite kind of food? Barrr-b-que! Okay.. goofy at best, but I'm hoping the kids will enjoy it.
I'd also like to take this and expand, and hopefully perform at elementary schools and other venues in central coastal California.
So, swing by and see us at Mars Hill Coffeehouse on Wednesday, July 14, at 11 am. It starts then! No stragglers, or ye'll be walkin' the plank, matey! Arghhhh. The coffee house is at 610 San Benito Street. For info call 831 245 8462.
Please feel free to post this and pass this along. Pirates, pirates, pirates!
Mars Hill,
Mars Hill Coffeehouse,
story time,
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