I am still on a 'high' from Story Time on August 4. As mentioned, it was Let's Go! And we incorporated a transportation theme.
Finding themes that will click with children can often be the challenge. They have so much in their lives grabbing for their attention. Thankfully, I work in the schools as a substitute teacher, so I am aware of what kids tend to like.
I came up with the transportation theme because of something that happened one day in a Kindergarten class.
The children were given free time/free choice and could play with blocks and other toys, but one of the most popular items was a bag filled with toy cars. The little boys were beside themselves trying to get the 'best' car. I suppose that day stuck with me and made me realize how much kids love trucks, cars, trains, etc.
We had a good turn out. I was concerned because I'd switched the time from 11 am to 1:30 pm. As the hour drew near, the coffeehouse looked a bit bare, but thank goodness for a local day care facility, because they arrived just in time! I wasn't able to do a count. My 'wingman' Scott Kindred, who has been SO beneficial in helping me with story time, was away visiting his mom in Oregon, so no one was there to do the count. But Tom (whose last name I do not know) did a fantastic job as my sound man, and Raquel, who works at Mars Hill Coffeehouse, also did a great job helping me out. Another young woman, Kitra, was helpful, too!
But, on to my next 'Adventure.' A small town not too far from where I live is having a celebration day. The town is Aromas and the unique thing about this city is that it's actually in three different counties: San Benito, Monterey, and Santa Cruz. But.. they're bringing me in to read stories and such. I'm hoping it will lead to some paying jobs.
If you want to get in touch with me directly, please email me at Jengelha@aol.com.
Thank you!
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