The firemen were SO very nice, and funny, too! They took us through the kitchen, the day room, and their sleeping quarters, then we went to see the engines! Very impressive. The kids even had a chance to go inside the rigs to see what it would be like to ride up high in one of the trucks.
The best part was when one of the moms was 'volunteered' to dress in the turn out gear--the gear they wear to a fire. She was a great sport, and hopefully I'll have some photos to share once I receive them.
During our visit to the fire department, I asked the firemen why it is important for them to know how to read. They told us so they can find their way to a fire, but the captain said they also need to be good at reading, and spelling and grammar, because they have many reports to fill out after they go to a fire or accident. I'd never thought about that, but it does make sense.
After our visit to the fire station, we headed back to camp headquarters and had a visits from American Medical Response where EMTs and an ambulance came to visit us. The kids were able to get inside the rig and see a lot of the equipment they use on calls.
If you would like to find out more about Story Time Adventures Camps, check my web site I'm located in Hollister, California, which is near Monterey, San Jose, and San Francisco.
Happy Reading!
Julie Engelhardt
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