Story time again!
Why are these animals just sitting around?
Because they were waiting for Story Time at Mars Hill Coffeehouse in Hollister.
The second story time was WILD for Animals!
We had 72 children there--not sure how many adults, but it was fantastic.
I read books such as
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Harry the Dirty Dog, and Piggy's Belly Button. They were all very well received by the children.
Reading to the children has been a great joy.
I have two people in my life who have been inspirational
One is John Zickefoose who works at the
Corona Public Library.
John grew up functionally illiterate, and did not learn how to read until he was 35. I met John while he was doing story time presentations, and his love for reading inspired me to do the same.
Another friend is Peter Small who is
terrific historic presenter. Peter dresses up as Washington, Jefferson, Truman--even Edison, and takes his program to schools, libraries, senior homes.. so many places. Peter has even been to Hollister twice to do his programs.
My hope is to make this a full-time career eventually.
As for now, this is all on a volunteer basis, but I know that it will grow and that I will be able to do this regularly.
There are so many options when it comes to creating a story time. First it was pirates, then animals, next transportation. The possibilities are limitless.
I'm also doing this to show women who have stayed at home
for any length of time that it is possible to get out there
and start a new career.
The world is your oyster, ladies!
Thank you!
Email me if you have any questions or thoughts: